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I asked a bot whether there is any hope for artists now that AI is here. This is its response...

The emergence of Chat gpt has pit many individuals against each other. First there are students who could not be happier that a bot can finally write not just coherent but good essays, much to the dismay of teachers and professors alike. I also personally know some blog writers who feel like their entire career is threatened. And personally, as an artist, I am left wondering whether there will be any need for creatives as technology continues to advance, churning out material faster than any human could. So, I asked Chat gpt whether there is any hope for artists now that AI is here? And how can we continue to create original works and make a living from them when a computer can generate an image in two seconds?

For this blog post, I also asked a bot (Midjourney) to create an image. The prompt I gave was "a bot destroying an artist's work". It took two seconds to make.  Image shows a robot looking flustered in front of an easel and splashing white paint on it. the robot is also covered in paint.
For this blog post, I also asked a bot (Midjourney) to create an image. The prompt I gave was "a bot destroying an artist's work". It took two seconds to make. This image is free to use (because it was made by a bot!)

This is its reply.... "Yes, there is hope for artists even with the advent of AI. While AI technology has advanced significantly in recent years, it still lacks the ability to create truly original and creative works of art that come from human experience, emotions, and unique perspectives.

Art is not only about producing images, but also about the process and the meaning behind the work.

The human creative process involves much more than just generating an image quickly. It involves developing ideas, exploring different concepts, experimenting with techniques and materials, and putting in the effort to hone one's skills and craft.

Moreover, AI-generated artwork is still relatively new, and many people still prefer and value the human touch in art. AI can be a powerful tool for artists, allowing them to explore new techniques and styles or automate repetitive tasks, but it can never replace the personal and emotional touch of human expression.

So, instead of seeing AI as a threat, artists can view it as an opportunity to experiment and push their creative boundaries. As an artist, you can harness the power of technology to enhance your skills, find new inspiration, and create more complex and intricate works.

In terms of making a living, artists can continue to create and sell original works, but they can also explore other avenues such as selling digital copies or licensing their work for commercial use. Additionally, artists can leverage social media and online platforms to reach a wider audience and build their brand.

Overall, while AI may present some challenges for artists, it also provides opportunities for innovation and growth. By embracing technology and using it to enhance their creativity, artists can continue to create unique and original works that connect with people on a deeper level."

Personally, I was quite touched that the bot was somewhat reassuring that the future of art isn't entirely doomed. I definitely agree that art is not only about producing images, but about the process and meaning behind the work. When a human being creates a work of art, it is infused with the essence of themselves. Prompts that made them feel a feeling or want to evoke a certain response for the viewer. Personally in my own art, I create based on what inspires me, and I find a lot of inspiration in nature so a lot of my work focuses on the natural world. I like capturing serene scenes of places I've been to remind myself of how I was feeling on the day and to try and evoke a sense of peace and calm to the viewer.

Dry cooler garden (1921) painting in high resolution by Paul Klee. Original from the Kunstmuseum Basel Museum.
Dry cooler garden (1921) painting in high resolution by Paul Klee. Original from the Kunstmuseum Basel Museum.

Salvador Dali's artwork was intended to challenge conventional notions of reality and to explore the hidden depths of the human psyche. Through his use of surreal imagery and symbolism, Dali sought to convey the complexities of the human experience and to encourage viewers to look beyond the surface of things to uncover deeper meanings.

One of Dali's most famous works, "The Persistence of Memory," depicts melting watches in a barren, dreamlike landscape. The painting is said to convey Dali's fascination with time and its fleeting nature, as well as his interest in the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind.

Another recurring theme in Dali's work was the human form, which he often depicted in distorted or fragmented ways. This reflected his interest in the ways in which the human psyche can be fractured or fragmented by traumatic experiences.

I just can't see bots going to any great emotional depth with their work. And the main reason people buy artwork is either because they feel a connection to the artist or to the work,

how will people be able to connect with a work that was created with no intention, no emotion, no feeling whatsoever?

I do acknowledge not all art evokes an emotional response in everyone who views it. People's tastes and preferences are subjective, and what one person finds emotionally compelling, another may not. Additionally, some people may buy artwork simply because they appreciate the technical skill or conceptual ideas behind it, without necessarily feeling a strong emotional connection to the piece.

But, if we look at other reasons that people buy art, can we see bots ever competing in these areas?

Claude Monet's The Cliffs at Étretat (1885) famous painting. Original from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute.

Aesthetic value: People buy artwork because they find it visually appealing or attractive. This can be due to the colors, composition, subject matter, or style of the artwork. In this instance, I could see people purchasing a "bot piece" for their living room or office. But saying that, if it's created by a bot in a matter of seconds...who are they paying for it? Should people pay for art that a bot has created?

Investment: Some people buy artwork as an investment, hoping that it will increase in value over time. This is especially true for works by famous artists or pieces that are part of a limited edition. Will we ever see a "famous bot artist?"

Status: Owning artwork can be a sign of wealth and social status. Going back to Dali, whose work hangs in museums across the world, will we ever have "bot museums"? The bot exhibition at the National Gallery? Who curates those exhibitions? Is it....more bots?

I'd love to know what other fellow creatives think. how do you feel about the emergence of bot-created art? Do you feel threatened? Are you choosing to embrace this technology to further your own artistic endeavours, and if so, how?

I am very much still on the fence about how I feel about bots creating art. I think time will have to tell.

Signed, a real person.

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